The Rome City Vision Experience project, organized by Francesco Lipari and Vanessa Todaro, starts September 21st at the House of Architecture. Architect Juergen Mayer H will hold a main lecture. Also participating are Andrea Bartoli, patron of contemporary art and architecture space Farm Cultural Park and Alessandro Orsini, Roman architect in New York. GranitiFiandre, world leader in porcelain floor tiles and always attentive to the latest trends in architecture and design will also present their innovative product ACTIVE.
The mission of City Vision is that of building a permanent lab in which a concept of architecture that is truly contemporary can constantly be elaborated upon, thus the modern city and its future image interact to update the skyline of our capital. The initiative makes use of a task force of experts active in monitoring the state of architecture and design in our city. Exceptionally innovative contemporary works of art will be proposed either at the popular level for public opinion or at a technical level aimed at those responsible for the work. Forums, editorial initiatives, multimedia models, ideas competitions and workshops will be the instruments used to single out, discuss and communicate the projection of the avant-garde of the twenty first century. This will inspire the realization of quality works for aesthetics and technology, architectonic language, theory and function.
From this experience, the free press Cityvision Magazine is born, the first architectural magazine dedicated to contemporary architecture published in Rome, which will be previewed throughout the course of the night. Cityvision Magazine will enrich the contemporary culture of Roman citizens and will be the reference periodical for those who practice architecture in the capital. With many pages rich in content on the most interesting cultural tendencies of the moment, it will be distributed in museums, galleries, professional studios, stores and throughout the course of major architectural events, including the encounter at the House of Architecture, also dedicated to the Rome City Vision Competition, an ideas competition held this past February through June, which received 118 entries from 22 countries. The jury, comprised of Juergen Mayer H., Francesco Lipari, Francesco Gatti, Felipe Escudero and Michael Caton selected 12 projects, three winners and nine honorable mentions.
“The chosen projects underline the strong incoherence to which we are used to in Rome: a city that looks into the next millennium with its feet well planted in its past – confirmed the organizers – the proposals are innovative and attentive to the systems that improve the quality of life.”
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Time: 14 luglio 2011
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