We are pleased to announce the winners of the VENICE CITYVISION COMPETITION.
It’ s an international ideas competition, which challenges architects, engineers, designers, students and creative individuals to develop visionary urban proposals with the intention of stimulating and supporting the contemporary city. Through innovative ideas and methodologies, which can improve the connection between the historical, present and future city, CITYVISION aims to foster a critical evolution of architectural historiography.
The objective of the competition is to drive the imagination, by the use of new materials, echo-technologies, parametric software and territorial organizations for a future vision of the city.
The Judging Panel of the 2011 edition was composed by leaders of the architecture and design fields: 4 members and a presiding president including BJARKE INGELS (BIG Architects) Copenhagen / New York Jury President, NERI OXMAN (Material Ecology) New York, ELENA MANFERDINI (Atelier Manferdini) Los Angeles, MARIA LUDOVICA TRAMONTIN (Università di Cagliari) Cagliari, BOSTJAN VUGA (Sadar Vuga) Ljubljana.
The Jury selected a first and a second prize and 11 honorable mentions.
Venice Cityvision Competition had 250 registered groups (462 participants) and received 201 proposals from all five continents.
During the competition a special prize has been added, FARM special prize, and Andrea Bartoli (farm’s owner) selected the winner.
First Prize: A. Bottero / S. Della Rocca / V. Bruni
Second Prize: O. di Manno / L. Catena / F. Cusani / F. Graviglia
FARM Prize: P. Matuszek
Special Mention: A. Farzaneh / M. A. Llaguno Munitxa / K. Hotta
Special Mention: M. Frate / G. Dona / M. Pollani / F. Bergianti / L. Sternini / S. Visentin
Special Mention: R. Roncoroni
Special Mention: Au Man Ying, Ng Kei Yiu, Or Man Piu, Ou Yang Hau Yee
Special Mention: J. Combes / G. Brulé / Atelier CMJN
Special Mention: M. Artico / M. Bittolo / S. Fracassi / M. Trevisan
Special Mention: C. Miller
Special Mention: S. Wittmeyer / N. Greenberg
Special Mention: G. Cucut / A. Merci
Special Mention: P. J. Muñoz Rodríguez
Special Mention: V. Andjelkovic / D. Adzemovic Andjelkovic / A. Bogojevic / R. Pavlovic
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Tags: ceremony , competition , manferdini , prize , results , vuga , winners
Time: 28 luglio 2011
Category: Article
Views: 3768 Likes: 0
Tags: ceremony , competition , manferdini , prize , results , vuga , winners