Past Shock is the latest editorial project wirtten by Francesco Lipari and presented on February, for the first time, at the MACRO Museum in Rome during the event IHSTF organized by the creative roman group of Cityvision.
It’s an article and it started as an introduction to the brief of New York Cityvision Competition with the aim of investigate the Past to understand the Future because «paradoxically, thinking about the past, today, is hoping in the future».
It features quotes from some of the most interesting creatives that work on the border of architecture and art such as Eva Franch, Alessandro Orsini, Francesco Gatti, Lebbeus Woods, Ben Van Berkel, Mitchell Joachim, Joshua Frankel, Juergen Mayer H., Nicola Twilley, Eduard Saliere, Jacob Trollback, Derrick De Kerckhove, Roland Snooks and Samuel Romano.
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Category: Editorial
Views: 2808 Likes: 0
Tags: eva franch , francesco gatti , ROLAND SNOOKS
Time: 27 febbraio 2012
Category: Editorial
Views: 2808 Likes: 0
Tags: eva franch , francesco gatti , ROLAND SNOOKS