Presenting the Jury #3 | Hernan Diaz Alonso
Hernan Diaz Alonso
Jury Member
Hernan Diaz Alonso is the principal and founder of Xefirotarch, and practices architecture in Los Angeles and New York. At SCI-Arc, where he has taught since summer 2001, Hernan Diaz Alonso teaches and coordinates advanced graduate design studio and visual studies courses. He also teaches in the MRD program in SCIARC, which is dedicated to research and design of on the metropolitan culture. He has been a guest critic at Columbia University, gsap, Yale University, school of architecture and school of media art, Penn University School of architecture.
Title: Presenting the Jury #3 | Hernan Diaz Alonso
Time: 28 maggio 2013
Category: News
Views: 5932 Likes: 2
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