Liquid Images. text by Luna Todaro
Carlos Amorales, is a mexican artist, young yet with a long experience. He displayed his works in 2010 at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, where it was possibile to visit the ehibition titled Remix. The word visit, though, doesn’t do justice to the sensation felt in front of Amorales’s works, in fact we should use the word immersion. The seven hundred and fifty-one fragments of Drifting Star – chips of black perspex suspended in the air by imperceptible strings – envelop the spectators and incorporate them in the work. But this is not all, along the walls a delicate pencil drawing flows uninterruptedly: Lo estudio por la ventana (Throw the study from the window). It is based on the tracing of vectorial images and accomplished with an incredible technical mastery by Amorales’s crew of assistants; this huge atopic cartography portays overlapped human figures, animals and stylized objects. This is very well mixed giving an unexpected hibrid as a result, like a big living organism.
The images used to accomplish Throw the study from the window are part of the Liquid Archive, the collection that Amorales has been keeping meticulously since 1998 and which contains a visual selection of more than three thousand vectorial images of any kind: animals, human figures, means of transport, blood drops, landscapes. This archive is implementable by anyone and is open and accessible to everyone. This characteristic of open work of art enriches Amorales’s breeding ground, which seeks contact and explores the limit between perceived form and vision. It builds and enhances the space, though it doesn’t effectuate architectonic methods. It creates volumes through their division. Amorales can be defined an artisan of vectorial art, that, through the conceptual shape and its continuos reference to a more complex reality, builds intraperceptive spaces, habitable by both body and mind.
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Tags: amorales , artist , carlos , drifting star , esposizioni , mexican , mexico , palazzo , remix
Time: 8 marzo 2012
Category: Article
Views: 2817 Likes: 0
Tags: amorales , artist , carlos , drifting star , esposizioni , mexican , mexico , palazzo , remix