Rio de Janeiro - Results
Cityvision is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 Rio Competition.
Rio Cityvision Competition had 125 registered groups and received 68 proposals from all five continents.
The Rio de Janeiro ideas have been judged by an international jury which had as president Alejandro Zaera-Polo and again Jeffrey Inaba, Jeroen Koolhaas, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Pedro Rivera and Cristiano Toraldo di Francia.
A special prize (FARM PRIZE) has been conferred from Andrea Bartoli of Farm Cultural Park.
This year the jury selected a winner and 9 honourable mentions.
The first place was awarded to Donghua Chen from China, for his project "Ceu de Janeiro".
The Farm prize has been awarded to Alessandro Nardacci - Alessandro Oltremarini - Federico Marchi.
The 9 honorable mentions areGwyl Jahn and Tom Morgan (THE CITY BEYOND THE CITY), Sam George Welham, Rui Liu and Chun Fatt Lee (DOT.SCAPED CENTRO), Lee, Kyo Seon, Hong, Yoon Kee and Song, Jin Young (TENSILE CITY), Andrea Galli, Riccardo Berghella, Ottavio Berghella and Lorenzo Massimiano (MÁNTICA), Alfie Koetter and Emmett Zeifman (MEASURE), Tiago Torres-Campos (SAILING IS NECESSARY, LIVING IS NOT NECESSARY), Justin Garrison, Dorin Baul, Carla Landa, Rania Ghosn (4.7: A GEOGRAPHIC STROLL AROUND THE HORIZON), André Cavendish and Alessandra Monarcha (METROPOLITAN ANTHROPOPHAGY), Roberto Costa, Rodrigo Bocater (LATENT SKYLINE).
AboutCeu de Janeiro
On January 1,1502, a Portuguese expedition first anchored by Guanabara Bay. They named this land …
FARM prize
Keep It Rio!
- KEEP IT RIO! – The big events, under the development’s flag, keep on leaving …