Title: Pfff PAVILION - Code: W3D8T5Contest: PFFF / 2012
By: F. Malandra , M. Ricciardi
Views: 3906 Likes: 3
The fractal theory says that inside nature every single element or form can be reproduced by a composition of single basic segments. This suggestion made us elaborating a project that can make the best of peculiar features of the flexibility of named by Benoit Mandelbrot’s theory. Into plan elements are designed by decomposition and simplification of a tree figure. The four parts that form the final solution can be assembled in multiple ways and geometries, making possible the formation of an internal space always different, but with the same characteristics of recognizability. This last peculiarity, moreover, is given by length that inflatable elements have into height: vertical divisions are made by single elements with cylindrical forms, put together for forming a forest of variable density. The height of single vertical elements is different, and moves the front elevation visually, just like looking a forest. Also this characteristic makes the structure different in accordance with the different disposition into plan, without changing the peculiar feature of recognizability and visual impact.
The hall is totally realized of white waterproof pvc, and seams are hot-welded, anchoring blocks are englobed into inflatable structure: base is shaped to accommodate internal counter weights. The node linking these two elements is made of plastic, and must be made before the final inflation of the architecture. The anchoring structure is designed to make the pavilion stable and statically safe even when placed in open environments.
Designs that we have developed show that the pavilion has fast editing features and recognizability, qualities that make it suitable to be inflated in “places” like in “no-places”.