Title: Green Snowfall New York City - Code: M7G4D8Contest: NY / 2012
By: F. Delrosso - G. Bianco - S. Foschi
Views: 2798 Likes: 0
Green Snowfall New York City
Green Snowfall New York City is undoubtedly renowned worldwide as the most vertical city in the world…… despite the fact that daily life unfolds horizontally and exclusively at street level, almost indifferent to what exists or occurs above. Only in exceptional cases are the rooftops of certain buildings utilized as private terraces or lounge bars. History tells of how man has often tried to fly because he was fascinated and driven by the desire to head upwards, leading him to develop ever higher vertical structures. Our visionary design proposal for the possible future development of the city doesn’t intend to create new buildings, but instead takes a step back to turn its attention to unused ones, reclaiming and enhancing the free areas on the rooftops, and thus offering a new, completely sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
The project is inspired by the High Line idea, envisioning the extension of the concept to a much higher level… that of the sky.
Certain unmistakable symbols already exist on the rooftops ofNew York. The metallic architecture of the water tanks dominates the landscape of the various districts of Manhattanwhich, with their order/disorder, give it a life of its own– inanimate but very expressive.
The huge surface area available on the rooftops could become a possible and perhaps the only place of expansion for autonomous green spaces. These would contain areas for growing urban vegetable gardens, catering and hospitality, or temporary housing in the disused water tanks… all completely sustainable, producing electricity via photovoltaic greenhouses and using the water from the tanks…envisioning the cultivation of greenery on every horizontal surface… as though covered by “green” snowfall.
By connecting the levels between the various buildings a new horizontal living plane could be created, together with a new perception of the city.
Living up there would mean plunging into an almost unexplored world where new emotions could be felt, far from traffic congestion, noise and pollution, and also reducing the use of surface transport.
Everything could be cultivated and the harvest consumed directly on site….
No longer zero mile, this would be a kind of zero step food …. ….”food0foot”
Title: Green Snowfall New York City
Time: 13 giugno 2012
Category: NY
Views: 2798 Likes: 0
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