Title: Sustainable shock - Code: G4D1C0Contest: Venice / 2011
By: M. Frate / G. Dona / M. Pollani / F. Bergianti / L. Sternini / S. Visentin
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Sustainable shock
SUSTAINABLE SHOCK VENICE 2100: LAGOON CITY The proposal assumes a point of departure: the lagoon is the result of an continuous territorial planning, its structure and its balance are based on the organized work of a regional community, and it is a historically land managed through of remarkable antropic actions.
The lagoon system holds on a state of unstable balance that get into crisis when exogen intersts and actions prevail, weakening the internal mechanism of system coherence: the Venice special hydraulic system seems cannot survive the integration with the global world. This risk has already emerged in the past and has been partly thwarted by the “politics of conservation”, hilights a new and huge problem, in addition to the mistakes of the recent past: the change, relentless and determined, of the planetary climatic environmental condition.
The local singularity must compare itself with long duration forecasts and changing, that dosen’t offer certainties to cling on, and which we must respond with flexible and sustainable adaptation strategies that aim to solve, both conceptually and practically, this condition.
The reference time period is identified in 2100, adjusted to the 2007 IPCC forecasts that combine with the phenomenon of subsidence (rising sea level +36-108 cm, ground subsidence of about 23 cm): the project in the his final step foresee the creation and the cohabitation of three great water basins. The southern and northern lagoons must be intended as a confirmation and extension of the actual limit of the North Lagoon Park while the central basin is a real urban lake. The source data that generated the proposals for the vision of Venice Lagoon City 2100 are the result of observation of morphological structures currently found, but also of their combination with morphological structures not yet well framed, and with others today absolutely latent and consequent to further actions induced by the climatic variations.