Title: Deployable FARM - Code: H5D3Z0Contest: PFFF / 2012
By: A. Cocho + A. Pla Català
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Deployable FARM
“LYVING SYSTEMS ARE COGNITIVE SYSTEMS, AND LIVING AS A PROCESS IS A PROCESS OF COGNITION. A cognitive system is one in which its organization defines a domain od interactions in which it can act with relevance to the maintenance of itself.”
Maturana & Varela
Natural systems >>
Natural systems are (1) complex, (2) adaptive, and most-importantly, (3) self- organised. However, when considered as architectural models, it is precisely those properties of emergence (of order), adaptability and self-organisation, which are most difficult to transfer to architectural everyday construction and standards of economisation. Even of something as ‘light’ and small-scale as a Mobile Inflatable Pavilion.
Time >> Behavioural Patterns
H5D3Z0 proposes an intelligent skin, highly sensitive to local as well as global environmental parameters. H5D3Z0 -Deployable FARM is a structural-envelope that adapts to the different scenarios anticipated for the travelling FARM events in a creative manner by proposing a geometry abstract and robust enough to be able to modify its final 3D morphology according to the various specific sites, and yet, be also able to maintain its integrity as an architectural/landscape object.
Deployment >>
H5D3Z0 -Deployable FARM is a Deployable 3D structure that develops out from a flat 1:1 2d surface, and is able to arrive directly from File to Factory to Site, perfectly packed and ready for an easy and quick assemble. A multilayered membrane system is designed through a 2D pattern script that expands into a complete 3D space. Simple materials can be customized through pattern cutting, and can be transformed into a spatial envelope which, can be further customized using the same material, transforming its interior landscape into a complete ambience. The process allows for variables to be fine-tuned and differentiated along the production process so as to be able to accommodate environmental or customized variables. Any information informs the final morphology as well as creates detail, ornament and tectonic physical data.
Form >> Tectonics >> Material Behaviour
H5D3Z0 -Deployable FARM specific final Form is defined by its process of Morphogenesis (genesis of form in situ). In that way, it cannot be anticipated and annotated a priori. It is a complex Form emerging from a behavioural pattern. However, that is NOT to say that we, as architects, do not have any control over the process! The tectonic system is clear and concise: H5D3Z0 -Deployable FARM construction system is formed by: (1) PVC inner tube, (2) inflatable membrane, (3) plastic knots, (4) Concrete anchors. These 4 components have a large degree of flexibility and their final resolution is the result of: a) interaction with environmental factors, b) provision of shelter to inhabitants, c) the desire of creating an iconic piece of landscape . . . a contemporary ‘Sicilian Farm’.