Title: Level Underground - Code: 00482Contest: Rome / 2010
By: D. Lynn Maringo
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Level Underground
LA PIANTA GRANDE DI ROMA or ‘The Great Plan of Rome’, by Giambattista Nolli has forever changed how we look at urban planning. This project, which came to life as an etching in 1748, precisely catalogued the open space in Rome as the most essential planning element to the city. By going one level below the ground plan, new open space can be revealed. This idea, known as level: Underground proposes to carve away new underground open space in the center of Rome, and bring these areas back their original functions. The first step in executing this idea is to have the below grade spaces of Rome carefully surveyed, starting with the area under Via dei Condotti. After the survey, contemporary spaces will be designed to respect existing foundations and rooms to create a new network of functions below grade. Level Underground will downwardly expand the current pedestrian level at grade, merging the ancient and the contemporary.
VIA DEI CONDOTTI is the chosen site for the first phase of Level: Underground. Two centuries ago, the street belonged to the writers, musicians and intellectuals who used to meet at Caffé Greco on Via dei Condotti 86; the oldest café in Rome established in 1760. The caffé still exists today, but now draws more tourists than locals. Currently, the perimeter of Via dei Condotti is lined with designer stores and is one of the most populated streets in the center of Rome. By making a new public space under Via dei Condotti, the street will be given back to the local writers, musicians, and intellectuals of Rome. Via dei Condotti will become a two storey space where tourists and locals can coexist. The heart of Level Underground at this location will offer new digital library space for writers and researchers, music studios, dance clubs, live music venues and restaurants. Additional space will be allocated for vertically expanding retail stores and cafes. Level: Underground will be reclaimed by these new age artists and the aesthetic will be contemporary, but fully integrated into the existing buildings that are found below the ground level. Nothing will be seen from the ground level, except pixilated lights between the cobblestones and ramps and railings leading down to Level: Underground.