Title: Rio’s light - Code: c58e7Contest: Rio de Janeiro / 2013
By: elisa.rivella - Isidoro Mastronardi - Luisa Bottione - Diego Degioannini - Matteo Cantatore - Gaetano Brunetti - Alessandro Rostagno
Views: 3369 Likes: 0
Alejandro Zaera-Polo 3 Jeffrey Inaba 5 Jeroen Koolhaas 2 Hernan Diaz Alonso 1 Cristiano Toraldo di Francia 7 Pedro Rivera 43.7
Rio’s light
Rio is sick, Rio is wonder. Rio is the living contrast that penetrates without rules, limitations and exceptions. These two elements cannot be sought only where it is believed that they may dwell with. The stereotype of reference is not allocated to the areas from which emerges negativity or positivity. They live together, united by a single force dictated and determined by the creation. The light. Sick and wonder are faces of the same coin, they permeate the city in its urbanization: rows of skyscrapers and modern buildings coexist in harmony with almost little houses crumbling, positioned on the slopes of the hills. The intensification of urban development projects dictated by the major upcoming events, the economic progress and the improvement of living conditions in the favelas, with the help of local nonprofit organizations, have instilled hope, especially in children, innocent victims of a difficult reality. Those children who recognize in that sphere an object of play, hope, fun and future. You are likely to pass the informal economy often born in the favelas, which favored the emergence of craft shops, painters and schools of samba, in the presence of an illegal economy, which speculates on illicit trafficking (drugs, trafficking in organs and illegal adoptions). Not to mention the tourism that passes from the beautiful beaches of Rio or the “green Amazonian” to the sexual one, which leaves the Favelas without any protection. Heavy balls connectors fluctuate over the city symbolizing the indivisible reality that binds these aspects. Beams of colored light (yellow for wonder and red for the sick) are born, draw, regenerate, transmit, in communion, indicating the places where they release energy. Energy = Light = Mystery of Creation. Just as in nature the light dispels the shadows and discover the truth hidden from them, the light coming from the spheres has the task of unraveling the sick and wonder hidden in Rio. They symbolize the unavoidable presence of good and evil in all the essential aspects of life, in the eternal struggle between them. Without declaiming won and winner. The balls are the theater of interminable struggle between faith and science, in constant conflict to grab the paternity of our creation. The sphere is nothing other than a safe. The massive outer crust is the impenetrable armor that protects and hides his treasure. The inner core is faith, this blinding light that comes out of nowhere but that is continuously stimulated by the complex system of gears, the science, that thanks to the eternal and tireless movement keeps alive the ball itself. From here the link to the whole under the gaze of Christ, who with his arms wide open embraces its 6 million inhabitants.