Title: Concepts for a spatial stage over new york city HORIZON OF SOLIDS - Code: B5J8L2Contest: NY / 2012
By: Josef Saller / heri&salli
Views: 4532 Likes: 0
Concepts for a spatial stage over new york city HORIZON OF SOLIDS
New York Cityas a city of mechanisms of motion and design, the city as human conglomeration is the supporting programme of a space statement. Space could become in this context an artificial materiality here and then the city becomes a pure surface and this surface will get to a stage of his horizons. HORIZON OF SOLIDS is supposed to be an intrinsic and imaginary system. The human being is one possible cause for the appearance, the human being makes up the mechanism for structuring a potential surface. In this sense HORIZON OF SOLIDS is a kind of active stage which is opposed by the passivity of simple existence. This stage – a plateau lifted 600 feet’s above the city’s natural level should be seen as a “reflection of inventory”. Space as a kind of storehouse for possible motions and other changes, the city creates the stage as a self-reproducing artificial element – in relation to society and itself….
mechanisms turn to surfaces – and the surfaces are horizons of solids
…………. surfaces are soli
HORIZON OF SOLIDS appearing as a human screen ….the statement faces the facts – and in the project, it becomes materiality. The intrinsic substance of space as solids has passed away – the human being moves on the surface of remaining fragments ……the feeling of spaces fades away in pictures of illusion and fascination ….the city is on the edge of becoming a monument – solids turn to surfaces.
In this sense, HORIZON OF SOLIDS becomes a kind of artificial covering. Spatial solutions and moments in time are sequential results, but are never the termini of a development. The actual space is an open space. The boundaries of the building are the horizon which we comprehend.
Space is a spatial stage of the possibilities
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Title: Concepts for a spatial stage over new york city HORIZON OF SOLIDS
Time: 13 giugno 2012
Category: NY
Views: 4532 Likes: 0
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