Title: RIO IN BETWEEN: THE MEDIATING FOLD - Code: adefaContest: Rio de Janeiro / 2013
By: Anastasija Protic - Andrea Perunovic - Milan Spanjevic
Views: 3756 Likes: 3
Alejandro Zaera-Polo 7 Jeffrey Inaba 5 Jeroen Koolhaas 4 Hernan Diaz Alonso 1 Cristiano Toraldo di Francia 8 Pedro Rivera 85.5
RIO IN BETWEEN: THE MEDIATING FOLD The essence of disgust in the cities like Rio de Janeiro is embodied in the lack of balance between its opposites. The binary logic which constitutes our perception of the world in neo-liberal capitalist societies had become the terrain for power relations which affect the balance proposed both by ethics and aesthetics. When the city is confronted with ambitious, demanding events, which bring in the existing relations a new element of functioning – the “capitalist bagger” tends to demolish and clear out the terrain with only one goal: to build a one-way street, with short term use. The present situation of Rio, in which divides are already deeply rooted, is showing symptoms of a forthcoming greater social division, which will amplify the hiatus between the two opposing agents, thus endangering the unique rhizomatic potential of Rio. Challenge of choosing between good and evil, lies in the trick of choosing the factor which positions them as they are. Aiming the factor in between, we construct the concept which will evoke the redeemer who will reinterpret the relationship, position and meaning for agents good and bad. To position the two presents we needed to extract those two, and put them on a vertical scale for comparison. Those two would never be able to be overlapped and successfully merged forcefully. Leaving them opposed but subtracted from each other’s we position the mediator in between, the balancing communication. Disgust is surpassed by pouring the agents in an equal ratio over time through mediation cup. The mediator works as catalizator of those two factions, consolidating them into the balancing new unity. Symbiotic situation where both worlds benefit and meet in the interchanging communication flow of people, events and information is synthesized within the most valuable essence of the Rio’s, its nature, the sky. Mutual benefits of these two presents will escalate through the communication both on physical and social level. The flight over Rio is a flight between Rios. To be able to benefit fully from both of Rios that got to offer. The unity is inevitable, the purpose of “communication” as an architectural element and term is boosted to achieve a function of platform for social communication thus creating the plateau of the one future. Problem of urban sprawl is resolved as we fold the layout of the horizontal plan and create the diversion and duality, but encouraging the vertical and spatial communication of these two parts. Dependence of each other in disgust is overcomed by a mediating sensation, a flight through Rio in between. The between space, out of place, becomes out-topia, invisible dimension in the city, the one future.
Time: 4 agosto 2013
Category: Rio de Janeiro
Views: 3756 Likes: 3
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