Title: Extending life of the park - Code: A6G7L3Contest: NY / 2012
By: L. Longhi - C. Bottger - C. Tamariz - I. Quintana
Views: 4129 Likes: 1
Extending life of the park
Extending life of the park Transforming smog pollution in to architecture Universal history is the history of a few metaphors. ”The solution to pollution is dilution”, is a dictum which summarizes a traditional approach to pollution management whereby sufficiently diluted pollution is not harmful. Technology has been developing through the years in different directions, many of them destroying the nature of the planet, health technology for example is helping extend human life to dangerous extremes, while human comfort technology has already provoke strong energy crisis in many parts of the world. We want to explore the possibility to reorient the direction of technology and wish that finally Technology among other things will be directed to the development of new building materials made out of the existing chaos such as smog pollution, finally the creation of a new environment would be possible as a way to survive in the future, and finally it would be possible to transform smog pollution in to Dilution Architecture.
Water rise would be controlled by canals built on selected existing streets and avenues of the city, creating new layers of streetscapes:
One, at what used to be the streets of NY, the next one at +30 meters at the surface of the new water canals where new transportation systems could be developed, followed by one planned at the roofs of buildings of the old city, as a way to connect with the future layers of architecture built out of the smog pollution. These new architecture could act as filters for the conservations and implementation of what used to be nature.
The future is inevitable and precise, but it may not occur. God lurks in the gaps.
The truth is that we live out our lives putting off all that can be put off; perhaps we all know deep down that we are immortal and that sooner or later all men will do and know all things.
Title: Extending life of the park
Time: 13 giugno 2012
Category: NY
Views: 4129 Likes: 1
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