Title: ARTURALES IDEA TANKS - Code: Z9B6F4Contest: NY / 2012
By: S. Callea - E. Callea - C. D’Aguì - S. D’Aguì
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As the City is a heterogeneous system, to intervene in this system without previously assessing the impact on its environment would be a serious mistake. In fact, this project consists of thinking and then constructing in an unpretentious, intelligent way regarding the environment, and at the same time proposing neutral ideas with respect to the landscape. ‘Arturales’ is a hybrid concept, that is the fusion between the artificial world (water tanks) and the natural one (trees). This form ‘The Place’ which is ‘materialized time’ regarding the accumulation of human history and people’s identity. In fact, ‘Genius loci’ is space endowed with a distinctive character which represents a tangible and essential reality, where human identity is reflected; it is a vision that refuses the old urban model and proposes a renewed interrelation between the home and nature, with independent dweellings and solutions based on the idea of the tribal village.
The layout and ‘Arturales’ urban design is inspired by the new geomorphologic characteristics of the City and is adapted to them, suggesting a minimal and lightweight urban existence.
By regulating the number of inhabitants, it would be possible to create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities.
Belonging is a basic emotional need, its associations are of the simplest order. From belonging – identity – comes the enriching sense of community. It is the idea of ‘cluster life’, the aggregation of people, that gives rise to the vivacity of the neighbourhood.
This concept of a new life originates from the need of survival which is due to the extreme conditions provoked by the lack of awareness of the human race. So, year after year this condition would drastically reduce the population ofNew Yorkas it would ultimately do to the whole World.
In this way, the city districts would be transformed into tribal villages, as in the past and would be composed of a number of ‘Arturales’.
The ‘Arturales’ concept is the answer to the problem regarding time and space because it will be the new SNP ‘Social Network Place’. In fact, in this process these new urban forms, spaces and materials, as well as their other functions will have the important role of memory archives.
It will also have to neutralize urban garbage and transform it into energy-nourishment, which is the same process as chlorophyll synthesis. The ball around the foliage will protect the life within from dangerous UV rays, that is, it will have the same function as the ozone layer around the earth.
So ‘Arturales’ is the symbol of nature’s rebellion and human realization of past errors.
The way in which ‘Arturales’ are distrìbuted will create an important landmark and imaginative urban elements. Which will evoke a vigourous image in people’s minds.
The saturation of urban territory will be gradual, initially near the principal connecting routes and subsequently developing around the centre of the original city.
In our World which is full of mass-media images and messages, the only possible way out is in a utopia which can create new horizons on the contemporary landscape.
It is true that the City seems to be never changing, but in reality, it is forever changing.
In conclusion it is very important that there should be a positive relationship between a city and both its present and future inhabitants.