
Title: The Beijings 2050 Stochastic World - Code: 3a5e4
Contest: Beijing / 2014
By: Claudio Greco - Sergio Lombardo - Carlo Santoro - Han Mei - Fabrizio Iannucci - Antonio Macera - Nilufar Reza

Views: 6685 Likes: 3


Greg Lynn 4
Ai Weiwei 3
Sou Fujimoto 3
Eric de Broches des Combes 5


The Beijings 2050 Stochastic World



THE BEIJINGS 2050 STOCHASTIC WORLD. The ancient history of Beijing is marked by many unexpected EVENTS that gradually led, to the creation of the city’s exceptional identity both in the physical and the ideal sense. And the same will be in the future. In the past… In 1414 the Emperor Yongle, after the capture and destruction of Nanjing, the capital of the South, went on a journey of inspection to the northern capital, determined to overcome the diffidence and hostility of the southern intellectuals, to move there the center of the Empire. Yongle took with him a group of poets and artists, who were given the task of painting a series of views of the city, accompanied by poetic descriptions that would legitimize Beijing as the capital city. The EIGHT VIEWS OF BEIJING, were not intended to be realistic. Instead they were fantastic visions exalting the sights and locations of the glorious and semi-mythical past of the Jin and the Tang dynasties. In 1950, after the communist revolution, the destruction of the ancient Walls and the creation of the urban fabric of the HUTONGS The unpredictable direction of MODERNITY and WESTERNIZATION after the 1992. 798 FACTORY… CAOCHANGDI… COMMUNE GREAT WALL… In the future… Architects engineers and artists, finally freed from the pressing need for self-expression, will practice an expressive abstinence, and will be able to develop a new kind of architecture in which automatic procedures will make it possible to create new modular systems of components and infinitive combination (STOCHASTIC ARCHITECTURE COMPOSITION). They will also elaborate a new kind of hyper-efficient wall (HEW) made of a single new technological material. It can be transparent or opaque, a light source or a multicoloured interactive screen, able to be modelled in many ways, easily cut and combined with other structures, load-bearing and thermally efficient in both active and passive ways. Architects, engineers and artists, will also design various support structures (frame house garage, FHG), intended to be integrated with the freely made stochastic architectures. The new inhabitants of Beijing will welcome this new system of building and the people will make it their own, so that it will spread quickly and unexpectedly within the city and into the surrounding landscape and more and more in the world…. The historically consolidated practice of building one’s own home without architects, according to ancient traditions and with the help of standardized technologies, will thus be perpetuated in the future. The urban and suburban setting will be characterized by imposing mega-structures consisting of temporary aggregations of new houses as well as by more modest stochastic arrangements and assemblages of smaller constructions that will spread all around… The Beijing of the future will thus be a place of constant change and unforeseen scenarios. In the 2050 it will become BEIJINGS IN A STOCHASTIC WORLD.


Title: The Beijings 2050 Stochastic World

Time: 29 settembre 2014
Category: Beijing
Views: 6685 Likes: 3

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